Teague's Story

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Hey everyone! My name is Teague and I am a dreamaholic. T1.jpg

It seems like I’m always coming up with new things to dream about and sometimes, my imagination runs a little wild. I’m also very driven to reach my goals which, when combined with my imagination, generally means that I’m always working towards some interesting objective. Most things in my life have been the result of this “dream big and work hard” mentality and this trip is no different.

I come from an incredible family and am the middle child of five. I think of myself as a blend of each of my siblings who are all very talented in different ways. We made for a rowdy bunch as children and my parents certainly had their hands full. I was often a little rebellious and frequently found new ways to get into mischief, especially at school. I recall feeling as if I could see the “big picture” and that made some things seem purposeless so I frequently resisted them, much to the dismay of my parents and teachers. T2.jpg


Somewhere along the way, I grew up and found purpose in what I was doing and today, I’m 32 years old and enjoying a successful career as an Operations Manager. I take pride in working hard and leading others and am somewhat hesitant to leave my career but I know that I will never regret our decision to do this.

I’m traveling for many reasons but most of all, I love the freedom that comes with being on the road. You see I’ve traveled quite a bit before so I have some idea of what to expect but I’ve always had something to come back to. Some job or goal was waiting for me to return and forcing me to countdown the days until my adventures were over. However, this journey will be different. I have no end date in mind and no idea when we will return so from the day we leave, I’ll be counting up the days and optimistically looking forward. The freedom that comes with not knowing how or when our trip will end brings a giddy smile to my face. Thinking about it now has the same effect.

So that’s all for now. There’s a lot more to me but you’ll have to follow our blog to learn the rest. I hope you enjoy our site and find inspiration in what we are doing. Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back often.



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